If you’ve been following news about AdWords, you might have heard that Google recently rolled out a whole new look for their AdWords dashboard. But the latest Adwords redesign can mean more than just a slick new interface for you to enjoy. The updated platform might just have a positive impact on your campaigns — if you know how to leverage it. Here’s what you need to know about AdWords new look, and how it will impact your PPC campaign strategy.

What’s New with AdWords?

AdWords Has a Clean, New Look

The first thing you’ll notice about the new interface is how sleek and clean it is. The new AdWords interface is an expression of Material Design, Google’s design language. The principles of Material Design stress the importance of usability. As a result, Google has focused on creating responsive layouts and highly visual designs to help users get the information they want at a glance.


This is a big change from the cluttered, busy interface that AdWords currently has. Since it first launched 15 years ago, AdWords has gathered up a large number of features, and the original interface wasn’t designed for the breadth of features and functionality. These new additions have slowly created a more and more cluttered dashboard. The new AdWords features a stripped down and reorganized layout, with the intent to make it easier for advertisers to find what they need quickly.

It’s Mobile-First and Customer-Focused

So what was the motivation behind the new look? The focus has been to make AdWords a more useful tool for the businesses who rely on it the most. To do so, Google carefully studied how their users were interacting with the existing platform. In an interview with Fast Company, Greg Rosenberg, Head of UX at Google, discussed the customer-focused approach that Google took to redesigning AdWords: “It goes far beyond polls or surveys. It’s literally being at a business with our users, watching them use AdWords for hours on end.” 

The dashboard has been redesigned to help advertisers gain faster, more valuable insights into their data. The redesign takes into account how people browse on mobile devices – in browsing sessions that tend to be quick and frequent, rather than longer ones. Finding data on browser location and device will be easier to find and interpret on the new dashboard.

How Will AdWords Redesign Affect My Campaigns?

Your Existing AdWords Campaigns Are Safe

It’s not unusual that when AdWords rolls out an update, it can have drastic effects on campaigns. Fortunately for advertisers, this is largely an interface redesign. There’s no reason to worry that AdWords will have a negative effect on the performance of your campaigns. Additionally, all of the great features and functionality of AdWords won’t change with the redesign. All your favorite AdWords features will still be available. However, how you access them may change slightly.

Making Your Mobile Campaigns Stronger

If the new AdWords has any impact on your campaigns, it will likely be to make your mobile campaigns stronger. The redesign focuses on making the mobile PPC campaigns easier to manage and interpret. If you feel overwhelmed by the existing AdWords experience, or if you want to focus more heavily on your mobile PPC campaigns moving forward, you can look forward to the AdWords redesign making it easier on you in the future.

When Can I Start Using the New AdWords Experience?

Google has already started rolling out the new AdWords experience. However, this rollout is being done on an invitation-only basis for right now, and will probably proceed slowly. While this may have impatient advertisers itching to see the new layout, this slow introduction will benefit all users in the long run. Google has stated that they will focus on gathering feedback on the new design during 2016-2017 to see how their users like the new experience, and what can be improved. By the time the new AdWords experience reaches everyone, we can expect a well-honed version of the new AdWords.

Webrageous for Mobile

The AdWords redesign might just help you gain more insight into your mobile PPC campaigns. But if you’re looking to truly reinvent your mobile PPC strategy, you’ll need to do more than wait for AdWords to catch up with your needs. Webrageous works closely with AdWords representatives to keep our campaign management strategies up to date with the latest. Our experience with managing campaigns and our expertise at maximizing campaign results ensures that we can leverage the latest version of AdWords as effectively as possible for our customers. To learn how we can help you get the most out of your campaigns and the new AdWords interface, contact Webrageous today for a consultation.

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