Beat Pay Per Click Advertising CompetitorsWhat are the top 5 ways in which your campaign can beat the campaigns of your top pay per click advertising competitors and rank right on top of the Google Search Results Page forever?
Webrageous Studios reveals five of the best ways that could help you beat your Pay Per Click advertising competitors fast.

Beat Pay Per Click Advertising Competitors through Keywords

If you cannot get to the top of the Google Search Results Page on the pay per click advertising keywords that you want to rank top for in your campaign, the solutions are as follows:
1. Find synonyms for those keywords that cost less to bid on.
2. Optimize other elements of your pay per click campaign so that Google offers you a lower price on the keywords you want at auction.

Beating Them through Advertisement Text

If very few people are clicking on your pay per click advertisements, it probably means that you need to optimize those advertisements with more success. Some solutions to beat your pay per click advertising competitors could be to:
1. Add a call-to-action verb to your pay per click advertisement.
2. Ensure that you insert the pay per click advertising keyword into your advertisement so that Google puts it into bold when it is shown on the results page, which will make it stand out more to your audience over the ads placed by your pay per click advertising competitors.

Beating Competitors through Landing Page Optimization

If your click through rate is high and there are lots of people coming to your site, your pay per click advertising is going well in many respects. However, if people land on your website and then leave again immediately, there is something wrong with the landing pages in your pay per click advertising campaign. You need to make sure that:
1. What you promised in your advertisement is the first thing the internet user sees when they arrive on your site without having to scroll anywhere at all.
2. The internet user only has to go through a maximum of three pages before they complete the conversion.

Beat Pay Per Click Advertising Competitors with Your URLs

If your pay per click advertising campaign still needs some kind of extra kick, take a look at smaller things. In particular, the success of your pay per click campaign could hang on the quality of your display URL. Make sure that:
1. It includes the keyword term that the internet user has used in the Google search.
2. The destination URL is the same domain as the display URL because the internet user looks more favourably on pay per click advertisements that maintain this common thread.

Compete through Bidding Management

If your pay per click advertising budget is costing you too much money or if the money is not stretching far enough, you should:
1. Take a look at the keywords you are bidding on as some of them will be eating through your pay per click advertising budget without producing any conversions and drumming up a high click through rate.
2. Get a pay per click advertising expert to manage your bidding and budget issues for you as this is one of the most important and detailed elements of pay per click advertising in general.
Contact Webrageous Studios, the pay per click advertising experts today and be assured that bidding management problems will soon be a thing of your pay per click advertising past.
If you follow the 5 pay per click advertising tips listed above, you will be well on your way to leaving your pay per click advertising competitors behind you. For more information on other related issues, click on the various pay per click advertising article links below.

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