by David | Jan 25, 2013
You might be penalized for buying links or organizing any kind of venture which culminates in what Google describes as a “bad link,” but the newest news on Google’s approach to linking is that not all bad links will end up damaging your site’s rating or...
by David | Jan 25, 2013
Most people are aware that Google is one of, if not the most influential and powerful search engines of all time. Therefore, anything that Google chooses to do (like when Google changes its algorithm, for instance) is of immediate interest and importance to all online...
by David | Oct 12, 2012
Presumably Google must have given permission for its company to feature as the main backdrop to the new film, “The Internship,” starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson and due to be released in cinemas next year. Google AdWords Advertisers are naturally on...
by David | May 15, 2012
As you have likely heard, Google has recently announced that it is changing the way it approaches keywords in its AdWords campaigns. The new changes are related to the way that exact and broad matches are made. These new changes are promising, and they are designed to...
by David | May 3, 2012
Search Engine Land has published a really interesting interview on its site with a Google Quality Score Rater, something that a lot of Webrageous readers would probably be interested in looking into further. On the one hand, some of the interview is not all that...
by David | Mar 2, 2012
Search Engine Land published a really interesting interview on its site this month with a Google Quality Score Rater, something that a lot of Webrageous readers would probably be interested in looking into further. On the one hand, some of the interview is not all...