How to Target Mobile PPC in Google Adwords

If you had any doubts about the value of advertising to mobile device users, it’s time to start believing in mobile PPC. Tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices have become indispensable assets for both businesses and consumers. Traffic through mobile devices is...

Yahoo Gemini Isn’t a PPC Gamechanger. Here’s Why.

In February 2014, Yahoo launched Gemini, a marketplace for mobile and native advertising on the Yahoo network. But while Yahoo has been a big name in tech for years, since its launch two years ago Gemini hasn’t exactly been making waves in the digital advertising...

4 Common Mobile Google Ads Advertising Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

If you’re not currently seeing the results you want from your Google Ads campaigns, or are ready to take your digital advertising efforts to the next level, mobile Google Ads is an important step in growing your business’ online presence.  With over half of all search...