The Art of Long Tail Keyword Pay Per Click Management

Most experienced pay per click advertisers know that long tail keywords offer high conversion rates for less money and as such they help to generate a much healthier return on investment at the end of every month. Experienced pay per click advertisers know this about...

Updating the All or Nothing Approach to Conversion Analysis

What do online advertisers want more than anything else? Lots of conversions. When we get conversions, we pat ourselves on the back and add them to the success pile so that we can keep count.   As our successful conversion number rises, we feel happier, but...

How do Google Search Quality Raters Judge Website Page Quality?

Page Quality and Quality Score are two of the most important things for a website owner to focus on when advertising online or when trying to drive natural and paid search traffic to their website. The higher your page quality in the eyes of Google, the less you pay...

How Difficult is it to Pause an AdWords Keyword?

Shockley Au, expert in digital marketing, wrote a highly interesting article on how to pause an AdWords keyword. The science, dedication and detail of his article are proof alone of the extensive experience and understanding needed to really optimize a pay per click...