Become an Internet Marketing Specialist

Imagine that you have hired an experienced PPC Account Manager to manage your PPC campaign and your website has been professionally developed, your conversion rate is increasing and your quality score is looking good. Now you’re going to need to find out about...

Landing Page Optimization Success

Landing Pages are essential elements of any successful PPC campaign or any SEO improvement plan. This post therefore aims to put all the really important pieces of information about Landing Pages together. It is designed as a quick, invaluable resource, full of basic...

Search Engine Internet Marketing Tips

Today’s tip focuses on using Twitter as a way in which to improve your search engine marketing campaign in a number of different and creative ways. Twitter, unbeknown to some, is not simply a site where you can tweet your friends, contacts, colleagues or...

What Articles are Placed on the Front Page of Digg?

What is Digg? serves as an online curator for all things cool happening all over the internet. It enables users to find every piece of interesting content currently going around, and allows them to ‘digg’ any post that they find appealing. One...

Why is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Important?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important to anyone who has a website. If you want to promote something, if you have products to sell or if you have services to offer, SEO is something to consider. Even if you utilize the power of PPC Advertising, SEO is still...

Google Campaign Management Meets Alice in Wonderland

For all those PPC geeks, advertisers and managers out there who have as unquenchable a thirst for film as they do for PPC, this article is going to take you on a “Mad Hatter” ride through the world of, not Alice’s, but “PPC’s Wonderland.” Tim...