The new Google AdWords Keyword Tool was released in September 2009 and it continues to get better all the time, thanks to the dedicated work of the masterminds working behind the scenes at Google.
What’s New with the Google AdWords Keyword Tool
So, what can the Google AdWords Keyword Tool do today that it couldn’t do before it was updated?
- Search for keywords in your list by inclusion or exclusion search boxes
- Expand your keyword list with a new “more like this” button in the keyword list
- Show results that are only closely related to the keywords selected in your list
- Starring keywords to keep those keywords in a special starred list
- View selected keywords in a text format to be able to edit them and paste them in a spreadsheet or into the AdWords Editor.
Why has Google made these changes?
Because it received daily feedback from its global users and therefore knew what areas it should be focusing on and which areas simply required a little attention and focus. Hopefully, all feedback will have been addressed and all PPC Managers will be feeling happy with the changes made.
Of course, knowing how Google AdWords works, every issue will always have a suitable solution. This is exactly why updates like these are released regularly. After all, to stay on top of things and as part of Google’s commitment to excellence, there is always a need for constant evolution, something that is evidenced by this update on the Google AdWords Keyword tool.
With that in mind, what do you think about the new Google AdWords Keyword Tool? Do you think the update really is a whole lot better than the last one? How huge of an impact do these changes have overall? Leave Webrageous Studios a few comments and let the company know your personal thoughts on the matter.

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