Here is an overview of the PPC account performance for the past 6 months for the Memphis Laser Clinic. They do laser tattoo removal, laser hair removal, and much more. We took over February 3 2017. Monthly lead volume has been 5 times higher the past two months compared to the previous four months, and CPL has been down 85%.  To be honest this is the exception rather than the norm for new clients to see results this good (30%-50%  improvement is usually more realistic). But it shows that it is still possible  in 2017 to generate these kinds of impressive  improvements when you take an account that  hasn’t been professionally managed.  This is why you don’t want to try managing paid search yourself especially if you are spending over $2000 per month.
Before Webrageous:


After Webrageous:


And here are the specific practice areas where we were able to deliver the best results. A conversion is either a contact form submission or a phone call.
  • Laser Tattoo Removal – $643 spent for 43 conversions at $15 cost-per-conversion.
  • Laser Hair Removal – $4,557 spent for 49 conversions at $93 cost-per-conversion.
  • SculpSure – $2,222 spent for 38 conversions at $58 cost-per-conversion.

And here are results for another client, LienItNow – they do mechanics/construction liens for contractors. Below is a summary of their AdWords performance over the past 6 months. Since we started working on their account we’ve increased conversion volume by 291% and lowered the cost-per-conversion by 79%!  We started working with this client in early February 2017 so the last 2 months show our performance.

before and after

In addition for Lien It Now, live calls have greatly increased. Between October 1, 2016 and Jan 31, 2017 (a 4 month period before we started) there were 64 live calls tracked in AdWords. For March 22 to April 20 (just 30 days) there were 67 live calls. So in addition to delivering more calls in 1 month than were generated in the 4 months before we started, the clients ad spend has decreased by about 20%. In September 2016 they had a particularly bad month (before we started): only 9 calls. Now they have over 700% more calls with 20% less spending. Here’s the proof:

Before: Total calls during a 4 month period

After: More calls in 1 month than in all of 4 months before we started.

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