Online marketing fraud and without any shade of a doubt does exist. There is no getting around this fact.
There are people out there who make it their daily business to steal your clicks, or use your advertising budget for other things; they lie to you about the work that they are doing for you (work that you pay them to do), saying that they are getting you the clicks need when they are actually spending their time enjoying a long cup of coffee.
These people promise you online marketing results that are simply impossible to achieve. The romance you with stories of online marketing success beyond belief and unfortunately they come very well-informed and know exactly what they have to do to earn your trust.
As we know that these people exist and as we know that online marketing fraud is never going to go away and will always be something that we need to keep on top of, the best thing to do is to be prepared, do our own research and find out as much as we can about how to recognize an online marketing fraudster before we give them the opportunity to ruin our online marketing presence / campaigns.
To this end, Webrageous recently posted an important press release on online marketing fraud that we would like to share with our readers directly today. Click on the link and get clued up fast about online marketing fraud to make sure that you do not become the victim of such a crime in the future.

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