If you’re thinking about investing in a Google AdWords campaign,, you couldn’t make a better decision for your company.  With 67 percent of market share and unmatched capabilities, Google is the clear choice for PPC advertisers.


Sheer popularity is reason enough to opt for Google, especially if you’re starting to use PPC advertisements. Obviously, the more often people see your advertisement, the more well known your business becomes, and the more users who see your advertisement, the more chances you have for sales.


A pay per click campaign with Google AdWords guarantees potential access to a more Internet users than Bing. Google is the default search engine for a lot of browsers and the choice most people make when searching.


If you still need some convincing, read on for the top reasons why Google is better than Bing, and any other search engine, for a pay per click campaign.



Google provides more relevant information than Bing, which is essential in paid search advertising.  There have been recent updates to improve Bing, but it is still behind as far as quality responses to informative queries from users. Google provides recent information to queries, whereas Bing is often outdated.


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In a recent study on the search capabilities of Google and Bing, a number of random searches were conducted. One of those searches was “social security taxes,” Google returned several informative results from 2013 and 2012 in the first seven listings. Bing, on the other hand, only listed results from 2011, with one from 2012 far down the page.


This matters to PPC advertisers because on Bing your advertisements might not show up, even if your keywords are entered as search terms. With a Google AdWords campaign, if you’ve chosen the best keywords and targeted the right areas, your advertisements are likely to show up in top search results for relevant customers.


That said, there are many factors in how an advertisement is placed in search results. PPC management companies can help you create a campaign that will accomplish the highest results on Google AdWords. Don’t waste your efforts creating a PPC campaign for a platform that appears to present less relevant advertisements to its online audience.



In addition to relevance, searching on Google saves users time and that can save your company money. Most people look for rapid solutions via the Internet. If users are able to quickly and easily search for and buy your products, they will likely equate your company with that positive experience.


You don’t want users to have to struggle to find you, which is why an efficient search engine is so important. Google’s instant search feature, (the display of potential search queries that shows up as you’re typing), provides more relevant results than Bing, and does so more quickly. This allows people to get to a page of results faster, where they will immediately see your advertisement.



There are many benefits to Google, but a final glaring reason to use Google AdWords is that it has so many connected products that give automatic background information. If a potential client uses any Google product, (from Google+ to gmail or Google Reader), their information is stored and search results can be tailored to them.


This is where the keywords in your PPC campaign become important. Results in Google searches will be of specific value to users. Google remembers details and makes connections, essentially doing half the work for you if you use Google AdWords. Google recently announced that there are 400 million Google+ users, and the number of people who use the search engine for other reasons is more than 1 billion. Bing also makes connections, but it has about one third of the users, so it is not as beneficial.


Using Google AdWords pay per click advertising is smart because your advertisements are more likely to show up to people already interested in your product. Google remembers location, past searches and previous purchases, which can help your advertisements show up to users who have recently discussed or searched for your service.


A search engine that works for you is something everyone can agree on, especially when it comes to advertising. To get started on a Google AdWords campaign for your company, or to learn more about pay per click advertising, visit Webrageous today or call 530-533-4111.