10 Ways to Succeed in Attorney Marketing
There are 10 different ways in which the PPC Managers at Webrageous approach attorney marketing in particular in order to achieve success for the many attorney clients that we help on a one-to-one basis with their online marketing campaigns.
If you allow Webrageous to follow these 10 simple attorney marketing rules when working on your campaign, you will see a noted improvement in the success of your online marketing campaign within a very short space of time indeed.
1. We use Geographical TargetingIn general, most attorneys focus on local clients and local cases because every state in the US abides by its own set of rules and regulations. This means that an attorney needs to specialize in a particular area of the US and for this reason the clients that they want to attract will fall into a particular geographical location.
Therefore, the PPC Management Team at Webrageous uses this knowledge to the advantage of the attorney wanting to market online. We utilize the geographical targeting feature in Google AdWords to ensure that advertisements only appear to those people who fit the criteria in terms of location.
2. We use Site-Exclusion in Attorney Display Marketing Campaigns
Advertising via the Display Network is an excellent tool for attorneys marketing on the Internet because most clients tend to be researching a particular subject matter when they then see the advertisement for an attorney specializing in this area.
Clients are very likely to click on your advertisement when researching into the matter at hand because you are offering them a solution in the moment when they are searching for help.
However, the attorney marketing specialists at Webrageous go one step further when it comes to Display Marketing. We are very particular about the sites that we exclude when creating Display Network Campaigns for our attorney clients.
For example, if you are a divorce attorney, then you don’t want to end up advertising on a website which is anti-divorce simply because your keywords match the keywords on this site. Our PPC Managers know how to exclude sites to the advantage of our attorney clients and we know how to make your marketing campaigns work for you.
3. We focus on Keyword Match Type
Many PPC Managers don’t focus enough on Keyword Match Type. Our attorney advertising specialists know that by choosing which keywords are broad, exact and phrase match keywords, our clients are going to reap the benefits of marketing campaigns that enjoy more success.
4. We work heavily on Negative Keywords
Negative keywords are essential for attorney marketing campaigns. The PPC Managers at Webrageous know this thanks to years of experience.
If you work as a personal injury attorney there might be any number of terms that need to be listed as negative keywords to avoid attracting internet users who are looking for information about different kinds of personal injuries and to only attract those users who are now looking to file an official complaint and need legal support to do so.
5. We separate Display and Search Marketing Campaigns
Any PPC Manager worth their weight in gold knows full well the importance of separating Display campaigns from Search campaigns because the way in which you attract your clients and the kind of client you are looking to attract via each network will be very different.
Attorney marketing can sometimes fail terribly because your PPC Manager is not analyzing the effects of the two campaigns from separate perspectives.
6. We work via Google AdWords PPC
Google AdWords is by far the most effective form of PPC advertising for attorneys that exists today. The worldwide reach that Google can lay claim to is unrivalled and has remained this way for many years.
The PPC advertising tools that our attorney marketing experts are able to use via Google AdWords in order to measure and optimize your campaigns are developed and improved constantly, something that other forms of PPC cannot deliver.
7. We avoid using really broad keywords
If you are already working with a PPC Manager or a PPC Management Company on your attorney marketing online, be sure that they are constructing and optimizing the choice of keywords effectively.
Much of the time, the keywords used in the attorney marketing campaigns of most law firms are too broad. Divorce law firms are using terms such as “divorce lawyers” and “family law attorneys,” for example.
If your PPC Campaign is full of ridiculously broad match keywords like these, you are never going to see any positive results from your marketing. Therefore, contact the attorney marketing experts at Webrageous and let us revise your campaign on a no-obligation basis so that we can show you the kind of improvements that we would begin to make within the very first days of working on your campaign.
8. We regularly Test your Advertisements
A/B Testing under controlled conditions and on a regular basis is essential for the development and optimization of attorney marketing campaigns.
If your PPC Manager is not testing your advertisements and testing new formats of advertisements as a way of moving forward and responding to the forever changing climate of the online marketing world, you should be concerned.
9. We avoid sending users to your homepage
PPC Management is not about sending every single online user to your homepage. PPC Management must be (demands to be) much more complex than this. Any kind of decision that you make related to where to send your potential client must be based on the style and focus of the advertisement that will then link to that page.
The attorney marketing specialists at Webrageous know how to optimize link management strategies and this is why so many US attorneys and law firms choose our PPC Management Team to develop and improve their approaches to online marketing.
10. We always use Conversion Tracking
If your PPC Campaign gets results and produces conversions you need to know everything there is to know about those conversions in order to be able to build even further on this initial success.
Our PPC Managers will help you to see what kind of internet user converts, why, via which routes and how, by utilizing the conversion tracking PPC advertising tool in Google AdWords.
After a few days, your attorney marketing will show significant results because of the experience in attorney advertising that we have to share with you. Ensure that you contact us for further information today by clicking on the contact tab at the top of this page.
We are looking forward to helping you as soon as possible.