5 Great Paid Search Management Conversion Ideas

The Webrageous Paid Search Management Team are well aware of the ways in which conversions can be increased and PPC Campaigns can be optimized thanks to years of experience and a large number of successful campaigns to lay claim to.

However, what keeps our Paid Search Management Team at the top of the PPC Advertising Industry is our attention to the basics as much as our awareness of the new trends that are regularly developed by other professionals and specialists who work alongside us.

For this reason, this post concentrates on highlighting the most important overarching factors to bear in mind when optimizing your PPC Campaign and increasing conversions.

If you follow our ideas, or even contact one of our Google AdWords Certified PPC Managers directly so that we can manage your campaign for you, the results from your Paid Search Management will soon start to show a marked improvement in many ways.

1. Pay Attention to the Conversion Funnel
Whatever it is that you do to optimize your PPC Campaign, make sure that you keep the four stages of the conversion funnel at the forefront of your planning. This will generate the best kind of Paid Search Management under all circumstances.

You need to approach the conversion funnel from the perspective of the online customer. Our Paid Search Management Team recognizes that the following four stages represent how online users/potential customers respond to your campaigns and make their way through your conversion funnel to the very end:

1. The user wants to know what you do
2. You then need to explain why what you do is of importance to them
3. It is then vital to prove that what you are telling the online user is true… you need to earn their trust
4. The final step is to make it INCREDIBLY easy to begin using your services or to buy your product

If everything you do is geared towards successfully leading your potential customers through these areas, your conversion funnel will lead online users to making conversions on a much more regular basis.

2. Landing Pages are Crucial
We have been in the business of Paid Search Management enough to know that if we do not fully take advantage of any given PPC Campaign’s landing pages, the conversion rate of that campaign will drop.

Therefore, pay lots of attention to your landing pages. They need to be a well constructed mixture of the following three elements to ensure Paid Search Management success:

1. Performance Marketing
2. Content Marketing
3. Technical Magic

3. A/B Testing is Essential
If you are not utilizing A/B testing methods in your PPC Campaigns, you are making a huge error and your Paid Search Management is never going to deliver the kind of online success you are looking for.

If you are not sure what A/B testing is, you probably need help with your Paid Search Management and it might be an idea to contact one of our PPC Managers directly as soon as possible so that you can outsource your online marketing management needs to our company.

A/B testing is now a commonplace necessity for success. Therefore, if you are not sure what it means or how to set it up, make sure you consult our Paid Search Management team immediately without any obligation to continue using our services whatsoever.

4. Brand Impact must be utilized in the long term
There is a marked distinction between the kind of PPC Campaign which focuses on conversions and the kind which focuses on branding.

In fact, it is a routine approach in today’s marketing world to invest in Display Network Campaigns when you want to emphasize and develop your brand and then invest in Search Network Campaigns when you want to increase conversions or focus on online sales.

However, the Paid Search Management Team at Webrageous believe that these two areas of online marketing do, in actual fact, work well to promote each other when managed by the same company and at the same time.

5. Concentrate on Differentiation and Original Content
The final point to take note of is to always remember to generate original and interesting content and to make sure that each landing page which forms a part of your PPC Campaign is different to all the rest.

Our Paid Search Management Team knows that, in order to achieve online marketing success, each landing page must be constructed from scratch and act as a specific accompaniment to the PPC advertisement that links to it.

If your Paid Search Management strategy ignores this basic concept of originality and differentiation, not only will the major search engines pick up on this and reduce your site’s quality score, but your potential customer will recognize your “used car salesman tactics” too.

For any information about any of the content in this article, contact the Paid Search Management team at Webrageous for more details at any time by clicking on the contact tab in the top right hand corner of this page.

We will be happy to help you in any way we can.

Call Our Pay Per Click Experts 855-945-1596


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