AdWords Train and GainThe AdWords Train and Gain is a PPC Management Challenge which began on October 4th 2010 and lasts for one month.

What is the AdWords Train and Gain About?

The idea is that Google AdWords will be able to help anyone become a better PPC Manager or PPC Advertiser through the challenge because every week Google AdWords sends participants a list of things to do.
Each week they receive a list of simple steps or tasks to follow and implement into their PPC Campaign. With Google AdWords’ help and the Train and Gain Challenge, PPC Management skills will be developed for the better and with notable effect.

What the Train and Gain Hope to Achieve

By the end of the Train and Gain Challenge, AdWords promises that everyone who took part of the challenge will have improved their AdWords Account (that is of course if they follow all of the steps that are sent to them every week via email).
As an example, the AdWords Train and Gain Challenge promises to help all participants to do the following:

  1. Improve advertisement text
  2. Use negative keywords to good effect
  3. Understand where your sales and leads are coming from, so that more effort and money can be put into the areas that are working and taken away from the areas that are not

The official rules for entering the AdWords Train and Gain Challenge can be found at this link, but Webrageous Studios would like hear from anyone who has been taking part in the challenge.
How helpful has it been for you so far? Are there still areas that you would like to receive more support in and know more about? Which specific areas are you finding to be the most useful of them all? Let us know by contacting Webrageous Studios directly so that we can discuss this further.

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