Google Dominates the Mobile Search NetworkGoogle is already the most powerful search engine in the US and it is therefore an essential advertising forum for anyone wanting to increase their client base in the US, but now it looks as though Google dominates the Mobile Search Network, too.
Google AdWords Pay Per Click Marketing is a must for all US Advertisers and the recent figures show that all advertisers need to start taking the Google AdWords Mobile Network into consideration too alongside the advertising they are already investing in via PCs, laptops and MACs.

What are the figures that prove that Google dominates the Mobile Search Network?

Roughly 5% of paid search advertising in the US is now cornered by the mobile network and Google AdWords Advertisers are a major part of this action. Google dominates the Mobile Search Network because it is controlling about 97% of mobile paid search at present, which means that US businesses are more likely to generate an increase in custom when advertising via the Google AdWords Pay Per Click Mobile Network than with any other network in operation at present.
Whether you own a large corporation with a well known brand or a small independent boutique with a local clientele, Google AdWords and Google AdWords Mobile Network Advertising are two areas of online marketing that you must be investing into if you want the US public to come flocking your way. Especially with the thought that Google dominates the Mobile Search Network, there is no better time to take advantage of its hooks than now.
Interestingly, the CTR via the mobile network is much lower in general than it is on the standard Google AdWords Pay Per Click Network via PCs, laptops and MACs. The CPC is also generally higher on the mobile network, but the importance of this advertising medium undoubtedly exists. Mobile network users are more inclined to convert in general too; they are more ready to convert than those users on an ordinary PC. If your business can corner the click to call market on the mobile network and you are advertising via Google AdWords Pay Per Click, the next financial year could prove to be a lucrative one for you and your business. You can finally see that as Google dominates the Mobile Search Network, it pulls you up with it as well.
It’s all about learning how to tap into the mobile network effectively and all about investigating into the best approach to make the most out of the benefits being thrown around while Google dominates the Mobile Search Network.
The audience is there. Google is drawing in 97% of your potential US audience on mobile devices. Now is the time to learn how to engage them and get them to click on your Pay Per Click Advertisements. Google’s completing its side of the bargain, so contact Webrageous Studiostoday and find out how you can contribute towards your side of the Pay Per Click Advertising bargain with more success.

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