The situation is fairly common…

You own a business and have been advertising online via Google AdWords PPC and you have been paying a fair bit of money every month for the pleasure of doing so. The results you receive are fair, but not brilliant and you simply cannot understand why it is that your PPC Campaign is not generating more conversions.

The problem may have little to do with your PPC Campaign and more to do with the SEO elements of your website.

Even if you are paying for your online advertising it is still important to take an active interest in the SEO elements of your website in order to supplement the efforts of your PPC Manager in a positive way. You may be paying for your Google AdWords advertisements to appear on the Google SERP, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take advantage of the free advertising that can be had if you do your SEO work well and appear at the top of the Google SERP as a result.

In the first place, Google Search Listings are free and there is really no reason to deny yourself some free marketing via one of the top search engines in the world. Secondly, the better your SEO is, the better your PPC Campaign is likely to be too.


If a potential customer likes your advertisement, they will click on it. However when they arrive to your website, if the landing page is a complete mess and it hasn’t been prepared effectively for easy navigation and relevance of content then it is unlikely that you will see them make a conversion.

This is why SEO is important, even for a company which is paying for its online marketing through Google AdWords PPC. If your SEO is of a high quality, it’s going to help you secure more conversions once potential customers arrive to your website.

So, what can be done to improve the SEO quality of a website? How can you check the quality of your SEO? What are the signs to look for and what are the areas to check?

Read Webrageous Studios’ article entitled, Better SEO means Better PPC and take on board a few of our quick SEO tips for the New Year to get your business off to an effective, fresh start.

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